These 4 Diseases are Escalating Due to Stress: Follow These 5 Stress Management Tips For Immediate Relief
Stress Management Tips: Too much stress can cause a serious health problem, which is caused by a significant amount of worry. Stress isn’t something new in today’s work culture, however, it does have serious negative repercussions. Stress has a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health; it causes a variety of diseases and problems. Implementing measures to control and curtail stress is very important.
How Would You Define Stress?
Stress can be defined as a mental condition characterized by an onslaught of damaging thoughts which does not do any good to your health. Stress is not something which is comforting to a state of mind, it causes damage to ones well being and stress over prolonged periods of time disrupt normal activities of the brain. This isn’t stress per say however, even joy becomes a struggle for a person who is stressed. This becomes a relatively depressed state, known simply as stress. But, there are stress relieving practices that exist, crafted to improve one’s mental state.
4 Methods to Alleviate Stress and Tension
Massage the Scalps
Massaging the scalp around the hairline with fingers can greatly improve tension headaches. It brings a soothing sensation to muscle tightness upwards or downwards of the temples, enhances blood flow and therefore almost instantly relieves stress.
Soothing Your Eyes
Next time you wanna relax in the midst of stress, haphazardly use your eyeballs to alleviate the built up tension, stress and strain. Moving eyeballs can prove to be an excellent stress reliever.
Humming a Song
Dilation of blood vessels leads to improved blood circulation while humming assists in boosting the production of nitric oxide which in turn aids in dilating blood vessels. Besides this, it was noted in previous studies that the calms the parasympathetic nervous system thereby reversing classic ‘fight or flight’ response stress. Along with vibrating vocal cords, hormone soothing vagus nerves are also activated. They exist in the link between ‘command’ center of the body (the brain) and important organs, stimulation of vagus nerves help the center of higher control calm down.
Keeping Your Neck and Shoulders Warm or Slow Rotations
A large portion of stress tends to be held in the neck region since the neck connects the brain to the remaining part of the body. Stretching and massaging the neck proves to be a great stress reliever.
Breath Deeply
Deep breathing is one of the best and most practical methods to diminish stress and feel relaxed in simply a few minutes. It also helps in shifting mental and emotional energies, aiding in bringing a sense of tranquillity.
Stress Related Health Issues
Health Problems Regarding The Heart
Due to stress, the heart has to be worked doubly increasing blood pressure leading a higher risk of now this is heart attack or even stroke.
Stress can promote diabetes onset in certain individuals.
Chronic stress can increase levels of obesity in an individual.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Stress can also lead to IBS that affects the large intestine.
Cervical Pain
Stress of longer durations can result in pain around the cervical regions.
Irregular Period
Stress can often pose a risk to cause irregular periods.
Skin Disorders
Stress can also cause skin conditions.
It is important to intervene and manage your stress proactively to avoid deterioration of health. Start with these simple strategies to restore equilibrium and protect yourself.